For those who are serious about losing weight with Pilates.Click on the image

Keep fitness during pregnancy ?

Keep fitness during pregnancy : Can help you exercise regularly to cope with the demands of your body's physical and mental Thaik during pregnancy and labor difficult moments. It also facilitates avoid the annoying symptoms of pregnancy, such as back pain, constipation, stress.

Exercise Bike Benefits Explained

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Including an exercise bike in your weekly exercise regime is a great way to keep fit, lose weight and build up your stamina. The fantastic exercise bike benefits are apparent from the moment you start using the bike. It is an affordable piece of gym equipment that you can easily use at home, no matter what level of fitness and exercise you have.
Although it should be used alongside other exercise routines, if this is not possible then the bike is a great start. Whether you have never exercised before, are overweight, or elderly, an exercise bike can be perfect for you.

The disadvantages of the sun

          The sun's rays do not encounter obstacles in space and reach Earth in 8 minutes. The most powerful UV rays are blocked by the atmosphere. But some are not stopped : there UV which in high doses can have a harmful effect . They are introduced into the epidermis and damaged chromosomes contained in the cells . This accelerates aging and increases the risk of skin cancer . So it can burn the skin especially where it is thin : the nose ...

Smoking and pregnancy

Smoking and pregnancy : Everyone knows the many risks of smoking, such as the incidence of cancer and heart ... Vaalenca who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have low birth weight.

Often , children born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy QMN less weight than children of non- smoking mothers . And low birth weight is the leading cause of childhood illness and disability stillbirth.

Smoking also greatly increases the probability of death in the baby cot . It was confirmed by the statistics , double risk four times if you smoke a cigarette between one and nine cigarettes per day during pregnancy,

Fitness Secrets: summer and a perfect body

Fitness Secrets: summer and a perfect body : Began to worry ladies getting near the date of the summer. Summers appointment holidays and travel , and the beach and weddings , in these occasions women need to be permanent Sparkling : lithe body , slender waist , and atrophic belly , buttocks attractive , and the strength of the svelte woman wishes before the summer . Due to his successor winter accumulation of fat , especially in the waist area and buttocks , due to the lack of movement and the large number of foods , which contain a lot of calories that provide us with energy and warmth in cold days .

Ways to lose weight

  1. Replace the milk and dairy products full-fat, low-fat ones give fewer calories.
  2. Drink water when the sense of hunger between meals major, this would prevent indulge in gorging on food adds to the body of calories unnecessary. 
  3. Start eating green salad at the beginning of lunch and dinner, this fills the stomach and speed up the satiety and reduce food intake.
  4. Stop eating once the sense of satiety, it is not necessary to end the person's entire dish, preferably been eating the dishes small because it would determine the amount of food, and in this context, studies have reported that the use of plates small pay holders to consume a minimum of food.

Bodybuilding at home : a little method!

Today will be charged in the prices of many gyms more and more practitioners to move towards bodybuilding at home. And if this election is far from unfounded , it is very important to follow a set of rules to prevent errors and avoid common mistakes .