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Ways to lose weight

  1. Replace the milk and dairy products full-fat, low-fat ones give fewer calories.
  2. Drink water when the sense of hunger between meals major, this would prevent indulge in gorging on food adds to the body of calories unnecessary. 
  3. Start eating green salad at the beginning of lunch and dinner, this fills the stomach and speed up the satiety and reduce food intake.
  4. Stop eating once the sense of satiety, it is not necessary to end the person's entire dish, preferably been eating the dishes small because it would determine the amount of food, and in this context, studies have reported that the use of plates small pay holders to consume a minimum of food.
  5. Replace white bread, brown bread, the rapid absorption of the slow absorption, because the latter remains an itinerant in the digestive tube for a longer period of relatively white counterpart, the sense of hunger delay the process. In addition, the brown bread contain nutrients lacking in white, which proved important in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  6. Beware of soft drinks, which contain a high amount of sugar food, Valaboh one of them where there is the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar, which gives excess calories, in addition to that these drinks are rich in carbon gas, which hinders the process of digestion, and organic acids that damage tooth enamel.
  7. Non-food use of sugar in sweetening beverages, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, or work on the use of other alternatives for desalination. It is true that table sugar is important for the body condition consumed within the framework of reasonable and acceptable, Over-eating leads to the oxidation of other substances such as proteins that produce wastes destructive to cells, and lipids that lead to limit the ability of the body to get rid of the bad cholesterol, and collagen, which deprives the skin of its flexibility and Taraute usual.
  8. Abandonment of fried foods for the benefit of boiled or grilled foods, because the former are full of fat, making it a high energy contributing in excess inventory fat in the body. In addition to this, the pans are usually unhealthy foods, due to the failure of the problems in the digestive tube, weight and arteries.
  9. Not to devour the food in front of your TV, because this behavior often pays to swallow larger quantities of eating unconsciously.
  10. Stay away canned foods and ready-made, because they contain compounds is not in the interest of the person who wants to reduce weight, Such foods are often teeming triptych devastating health: sugar, fat and salt.
  11. Eat chicken without the skin, because the latter contains a lot of fatty substances.
  12. Not to exaggerate the salt spray on food, increase in salt consumption contributes to fluid retention in the body and thus to increase the weight.
  13. Doing household chores that will away the owner is thinking about eating, and thus has an incentive to lose weight.
  14. Replace meat with fish because it has less calories.
  15. Not to use the car in short distances, but preferably in this case, cut these distances on foot or by bike appeal to.
  16. Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you allowed it do so, it is useful in a number of burning calories.

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