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Tips for planning a balanced diet

A little planning is necessary in order to create a balanced diet. There are books and websites that tell you how many calories are in the foods you eat. There is also value in online forms , how many calories you should consume each day to lose weight.

A little planning is necessary in order to create a balanced diet. There are books and websites that tell you how many calories are in the foods you eat. There is also value in online forms , how many calories you should consume each day to lose weight.

The USDA food pyramid invented to help you in your food choices to create a balanced diet. The pyramid consists of the following levels:

- Bread and cereals: the daily diet : 6-7 servings . Avoid sugary cereals and baked goods. Eat whole grain breads, cereals and smashes . Oats and quinoa are especially good for you and bring forth fruit for breakfast is wonderful . Oats are sometimes used as a substitute for flour .

- Fruits and vegetables daily diet : 2 cups of fruits and vegetables 2.5 cups . The steaming vegetables is better than to cook . This is the most important food group . Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrition and fiber. Fruits such as oranges , bananas, strawberries and blueberries are great snacks. Nutritious vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, tomatoes and avocados are great as salads. In general , people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.

- Meat and Proteins: the daily diet : 2-3 servings . Avoid fatty red meat or anything fried. Keep up with fish, poultry, eggs, legumes and nuts. Fish such as salmon , tuna and sardines are rich in omega -3 fatty acids and protein. Beans , soy beans and lentils are excellent sources of vegetable protein and are excellent appetizers. Nuts and seeds are rich in protein terrible, high fiber snacks.

- Dairy products: - the daily diet : 3 servings . Choose low-fat options wherever possible . Non-fat yogurt is an especially good source of calcium.

- Fats and oils : the daily diet : 2 servings . Choose fish, nuts and vegetable oils . Olive oil , flaxseed oil are the healthiest sources of fatty acids.

Once you understand the variety of foods and the amount of calories that your body needs , you can plan your balanced diet.

For breakfast: oatmeal served with low fat raisins , honey and milk , toast with peanut butter and coffee or juice. In blueberry oatmeal it to make it even healthier.

The baked chicken sandwich with a slice of cheese on whole grain bread and a small garden salad : For breakfast .

For dinner : salmon with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli.

You need to plan a snack between meals. Healthy snacks are celery sticks with dip with vegetables , a cup of flavored yogurt , biscuits , almonds, slices of cheese and fruit.

A balanced diet , as there are a lot of food and taste very good nutrients. Do not hesitate to use these ingredients to make your own diet to make you lose weight.

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